Friday, May 21, 2010

The Quick Q & A with Ann Ho Becks

by Robin Rossie

After seven years of very long days (and even longer nights) overseeing New Student Programs in the Dean of Students Office, Ann Ho Becks is leaving UF in June to pursue her dream of becoming a professional Elvis impersonator in Barcelona, Spain. Okay, so I made that last part up, but you may find a surprise or two in her responses to “The Quick Q & A.”

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?
Oh, that one is not suitable for print. ;)

What inspires/motivates you?
Seeing people see and reach their own potential.

What is your pet peeve?
People who don’t use their turn signals.

What scent, taste, or sound will always remind you of UF fondly?
Carillon bells.

What scent, taste, or sound will always remind you of UF not-so-fondly?
Smell of grease traps being cleaned (like when they have Preview over at the Racquet Club).

What is your 10-year plan?
Graduate from Maryland with my PhD, get a job as an institutional researcher (preferably for a student affairs division) or faculty member in a higher education/college student personnel graduate program, buy a sailboat, and move “home” to San Diego, CA (the latter three not necessarily in that order).

What title do you want to hold before you retire?
Best Aunt Ever. But seriously, if we’re talking about work life, I’m not a big “title” person; what is more important to me is leaving this place better than I found it, and making a difference in people’s lives.

If you could do so anonymously, what graffiti would you most like to spray paint, and where?
“Knowledge is power. Use your vote to increase K-12 funding!” on one overpass in every major city and every major interstate in our country.

If the UF New Student Programs office had a genie in a bottle, what three Preview enhancements would they wish for?
There are so many things I can think of but I’d start with competitive pay for orientation leaders as compared to other institutions across the state and country.

Would you send your kid to UF as a freshman? Why or why not?
Yes, if the school was a good fit for what they were looking for in a college experience.

Ann, I speak for many others as well as myself when I say you were a good fit for UF. We thank you for the opportunity to work with you, and wish you continued success!

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