Friday, May 21, 2010

Ask an Advisor

by Kari Ward

Our “Ask an Advisor” column allows UF advisors to share their viewpoint and experiences. I recently asked some advisors to answer the following question: “What’s your dream vacation?”

My dream vacation consists of clear water, blue skies, fresh seafood, 87 degree temperatures and all expenses paid. Anywhere exotic like Honduras, Tanzania, or Grenada will do! Katrice Crawford, School of Business

My dream vacation would be taking off a summer to visit the National Parks of Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. My family and I are big fans of the National Parks; we hope to visit them all someday!
John Denny, Honors Program Office

So many dream vacations to choose from . . . I love the idea of themed vacations like a tour of Georgian-era London: horseback riding along the Serpentine and Rotten Row in Hyde Park, shopping on Bond Street, visiting Bow Street, Covent Gardens, and Fenchurch Street (site of a former East India Company building), seeing an opera at the Royal Opera House and the Elgin Marbles at the British Museum, and walking St. James and Mayfair. Or, touring Alhambra palace (Granada, Spain) and 16th c. English Protestant Reformation sites (I’d love to hear Catherine Howard’s ghost at Hampton Court). Cynthia Sain, Chemical Engineering

Well, there are a lot of places in the world that I would like to see so I think a cruise might work out well. I would take the world cruise on the Queen Mary II. There are a couple that last about 100 days. That should make for a nice getaway.” Kevin Austin, Fine Arts

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